Programming FlashCards

Explore our curated collection of programming flashcards. Each card contains practical examples and code snippets to help you master programming concepts quickly.

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Intersection Types programming concept visualization

Intersection Types

Combine multiple types into one, creating a new type that has all properties of the intersected types. Useful for merging interfaces or creating complex type compositions.

PHP Arrow Functions programming concept visualization

PHP Arrow Functions

Concise, single-expression anonymous functions introduced in PHP 7.4 with implicit variable capturing

PHP Reflection API programming concept visualization

PHP Reflection API

Introspection tool that allows dynamic examination of classes, methods, and properties at runtime, enabling powerful metaprogramming techniques.

PHP Match Expression programming concept visualization

PHP Match Expression

A powerful alternative to switch statements, providing type-safe comparison and more concise syntax for conditional matching in PHP 8+.

PHP Spread Operator programming concept visualization

PHP Spread Operator

Unpacks arrays or traversable objects into individual elements, useful for function arguments and array manipulation

Functional Interfaces programming concept visualization

Functional Interfaces

A functional interface in Java is an interface with exactly one abstract method, enabling lambda expressions and method references as implementations.

Dynamic Method Dispatch programming concept visualization

Dynamic Method Dispatch

Runtime polymorphism mechanism where the JVM determines which method implementation to call based on the actual object type at runtime.

Java Sorting Interfaces programming concept visualization

Java Sorting Interfaces

Learn how Comparable and Comparator interfaces enable custom sorting of objects in Java by defining natural ordering and external comparison strategies.

Java Custom Sorting programming concept visualization

Java Custom Sorting

Use lambda expressions with Collections.sort() to create custom sorting logic for complex object comparisons

Ruby Safe Navigation programming concept visualization

Ruby Safe Navigation

Prevent NoMethodError by safely calling methods on potentially nil objects using the &. operator, which returns nil instead of raising an exception.

Ruby Dup Method programming concept visualization

Ruby Dup Method

Creates a shallow copy of an object, allowing modifications without affecting the original object's state.

Ruby Enumerable Select programming concept visualization

Ruby Enumerable Select

Filter collections by returning a new array with elements that match a given condition using a block predicate

Ruby Enumerable Lazy programming concept visualization

Ruby Enumerable Lazy

Lazy evaluation in Ruby allows for efficient processing of potentially infinite sequences by deferring computation until results are actually needed.

Hash Transform Keys programming concept visualization

Hash Transform Keys

Modify hash keys by applying a transformation block, allowing easy key renaming or conversion

Ruby Compact Method programming concept visualization

Ruby Compact Method

Removes nil values from an array, returning a new array with only non-nil elements, helping to clean up and filter arrays efficiently.

Ruby Singleton Pattern programming concept visualization

Ruby Singleton Pattern

Ensures a class has only one instance and provides a global point of access to it, implemented using the Singleton module in Ruby's standard library.

Ruby Object Freezing programming concept visualization

Ruby Object Freezing

Prevent modification of objects by making them immutable, protecting data integrity and avoiding unintended changes.

CSS Scroll Snap programming concept visualization

CSS Scroll Snap

Create smooth, controlled scrolling experiences by defining snap points and behaviors for scroll containers

CSS Custom Properties programming concept visualization

CSS Custom Properties

Declare and use reusable values throughout your stylesheet, enabling dynamic styling and easier theme management with local and global scopes.

CSS Variables Basics programming concept visualization

CSS Variables Basics

Learn how to define, use, and dynamically change CSS custom properties (variables) to create more flexible and maintainable stylesheets.

CSS CurrentColor programming concept visualization

CSS CurrentColor

A special CSS keyword that dynamically uses the current text color, allowing for easy color inheritance and creating flexible, adaptive designs.

C Designated Initializers programming concept visualization

C Designated Initializers

A C99 feature allowing initialization of specific struct or array elements by name, providing more flexible and readable initialization syntax.

Preprocessor Conditional Compilation programming concept visualization

Preprocessor Conditional Compilation

Use #ifdef, #ifndef, and #endif to conditionally compile code blocks based on defined macros, enabling flexible code compilation.

C Restrict Keyword programming concept visualization

C Restrict Keyword

A type qualifier that helps compiler optimize memory access by indicating no pointer aliases exist, enabling better performance optimizations.

C Static Keyword programming concept visualization

C Static Keyword

Defines variable/function scope and lifetime. Static variables retain value between function calls and have limited visibility.

PostgreSQL Unlogged Tables programming concept visualization

PostgreSQL Unlogged Tables

Unlogged tables are high-performance tables that skip writing to the write-ahead log (WAL), providing faster writes at the cost of durability and crash recovery.

PostgreSQL Range Types programming concept visualization

PostgreSQL Range Types

Advanced data type for storing ranges of values with built-in range comparison and overlap operations, useful for time, date, and numeric ranges

PostgreSQL Async Notifications programming concept visualization

PostgreSQL Async Notifications

Use LISTEN and NOTIFY for real-time inter-process communication within the database, enabling event-driven architectures without external messaging systems.

PostgreSQL LISTEN NOTIFY programming concept visualization


Asynchronous inter-session communication mechanism allowing real-time event notifications across database connections without polling.

Docker ONBUILD Instruction programming concept visualization

Docker ONBUILD Instruction

Learn how ONBUILD triggers deferred instructions in child images, enabling more flexible and reusable base image configurations.

Docker Entrypoint Exec programming concept visualization

Docker Entrypoint Exec

Understand how to use the exec form in ENTRYPOINT to properly handle signal propagation and process replacement in Docker containers.

Docker Layer Squashing programming concept visualization

Docker Layer Squashing

Reduce image size by merging multiple layers into a single layer, minimizing the overall image footprint and improving deployment efficiency.

Docker Env Interpolation programming concept visualization

Docker Env Interpolation

Learn how to use variable substitution in Docker Compose files, allowing dynamic configuration using environment variables and default values.

EXPLAIN ANALYZE programming concept visualization


Detailed query performance analysis tool in PostgreSQL that shows actual execution plan, runtime statistics, and helps optimize query performance.

PostgreSQL Array Aggregation programming concept visualization

PostgreSQL Array Aggregation

Combine multiple rows into a single array column using array_agg() function, useful for grouping and transforming query results efficiently.

Partial Index programming concept visualization

Partial Index

Create an index on a subset of rows that match a specific condition, reducing index size and improving query performance for filtered data.

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