Programming FlashCards

Explore our curated collection of programming flashcards. Each card contains practical examples and code snippets to help you master programming concepts quickly.

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Node.js Cluster Module programming concept visualization

Node.js Cluster Module

Leverage multiple CPU cores to improve Node.js application performance by creating child processes that share server ports

Node.js Cluster programming concept visualization

Node.js Cluster

Leverage multiple CPU cores to improve Node.js application performance and reliability through process forking and load balancing.

Spawn Child Process programming concept visualization

Spawn Child Process

Execute external system commands or scripts from within a Node.js application using child_process.spawn() method, enabling inter-process communication and system-level operations.

Node.js Error Handling programming concept visualization

Node.js Error Handling

Demonstrate proper error handling in asynchronous Node.js functions using try-catch blocks and promise error management

Express Middleware Basics programming concept visualization

Express Middleware Basics

Middleware functions have access to request and response objects, and can modify them, end the request-response cycle, or call the next middleware function.

Express Middleware Chaining programming concept visualization

Express Middleware Chaining

Middleware functions can be chained to process requests sequentially, allowing modular request preprocessing before route handling.

Buffer Manipulation programming concept visualization

Buffer Manipulation

Understand how Node.js Buffers handle raw binary data, allowing direct memory allocation and manipulation of data outside the V8 heap.

Event Loop Basics programming concept visualization

Event Loop Basics

Understand how Node.js handles asynchronous operations using a single-threaded event loop, enabling non-blocking I/O and concurrent processing.

Event Loop programming concept visualization

Event Loop

Node.js uses a single-threaded event loop to handle asynchronous operations efficiently, allowing non-blocking I/O without creating multiple threads.

Stream Piping programming concept visualization

Stream Piping

Node.js streams allow efficient data transfer between sources and destinations, reducing memory usage by processing data in chunks.

Streams Piping programming concept visualization

Streams Piping

Efficiently transfer data between readable and writable streams using pipe() method, reducing memory usage for large files or data processing.

Streams Processing programming concept visualization

Streams Processing

Node.js streams allow efficient handling of reading/writing data in chunks, reducing memory usage for large files or data streams.

Worker Threads programming concept visualization

Worker Threads

Node.js Worker Threads allow CPU-intensive tasks to run in parallel, preventing blocking of the main event loop and improving performance for computationally heavy operations.

Async Await Basics programming concept visualization

Async Await Basics

Learn how to use async/await for cleaner, more readable asynchronous code in Node.js, avoiding callback hell and simplifying promise handling.

Async Await Promise programming concept visualization

Async Await Promise

Simplify promise-based asynchronous code using async/await syntax, making it look and behave more like synchronous code.

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